Squad Level Infantry Rural Combat Course
Created by Tier 1 special operations veterans
Learn combat proven tactics, techniques, and procedures for defeating a real-world, thinking enemy on the rural battlefield through fire, maneuver, and close combat.
Beneficial for any infantry or recon unit in both high-intensity and low-intensity conflict.
Beneficial for any infantry or recon unit in both high-intensity and low-intensity conflict.
Become better
Sound battle tactics that go beyond training manuals & basic doctrine
Don't just learn how to do basic battle drills. If you have to fight, learn to fight and WIN in a dynamic battlefield.

Multiple Instructional Methods
This expert training course incorporates multiple instructional tools to teach and test your learning and retention.

Topics and tactical analysis, with expert insights, covered in this training course include:
Course contents
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Special Tactics, LLC
Special Tactics
Tier 1 Special Mission Unit & special operations veterans
Special Tactics was formed by retired, senior tacticians from Tier-1 Special
Mission Units along with a diverse team of experts from the special operations,
conventional military, law enforcement, and academic communities. Our
mission is to help improve mental, physical, and skill-related performance
among military personnel, law-enforcement officers, security professionals,
and responsible citizens. We view our mission as more than a job or business,
but rather as a continuation of our sacred duty to God, our country, and peace-loving people all around the world.
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