Meet Your Coaches:
Instructor MB
Instructor MB
Instructor MB has over 20 years of experience working for US Government Agencies conducting counterterrorism and intelligence operations around the world. Much of his work required him to operate alone in extreme high-risk and austere environments for extended periods of time.

More about Instructor MB
Instructor MB also has a deep knowledge and experience in a wide variety of disciplines including personal and operational security, cyber security, personal digital hygiene, international business and corporate intelligence.
He has over 40 years of martial arts experience, has studied extensively in Japan and holds a shidoshi menkyo in Budo Taijutsu.
He has over 40 years of martial arts experience, has studied extensively in Japan and holds a shidoshi menkyo in Budo Taijutsu.
How can I work directly with Instructor MB?
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30 Minute 1 on 1 Coaching or Q & A Session
Talk directly with Instructor MB and get 1 on 1 direct personal coaching or Q & A for 30 minutes.
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One Hour 1 on 1 Coaching or Q & A Session
Talk directly with Instructor MB and get 1 on 1 direct personal coaching or Q & A for 1 hour.
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Tier to Peer™
Custom Coaching
Instructor MB will help you achieve your goals with a complete custom plan and long term coaching program developed just for you.